Week #1 update

What I've done this week##

Welcome to 2016! Lots of bugs were fixed this week, the in-game menu was finally added, cut-scenes checked off and all of the data files shuffled about. Overall, a very productive start to the new year.

Again, most of my time was spent finishing the last of the AVI cut-scenes - the MMR bonus ending. The entire process was rather time consuming but overall, I'm very pleased with how it all went.

*Mad Monks' Revenge bonus ending scene*

A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder of the bug/quirk. Thanks to all, I really do appreciate your time and support. Cheers!


  • the shortcut key to hide the toolbox swapped from F11 to F8 to match original (Jeffrey)


  • fixed a bug that allowed a monk to ignore a runner (not eat him) when he is in the process of climbing out of a hole (Leandro)
  • fixed the bug that would cause the game to crash when a monk was crushed in a hole (Leandro, Jeffrey)
  • on some Windows machines, the game will no longer crash on exit (Rick, Jeffrey)
  • fixed bug introduced into the December build that prevents a player from blasting when holding a monkey bar (Jeffrey/Jim)
  • in two-player games, the runner who exits first will be granted three extra lives, the other, one - this matches the original (Jeffrey)
  • draw order updated to support a tool and block stacked onto the one tile (LodeEdit mods below) (Jeffrey)
  • Jake and Wes can now collect the blue/yellow keys and unlock the doors - this matches the original (Jeffrey)
  • the Lava and Phosphorous cut-scenes now play in the correct order (Jeffrey)
  • the post-scene credits will only show in the original puzzle set and not custom sets - this matches the original (Jeffrey)
  • monks will now drop gold when entering befuddlement gas - this matches the original (Jeffrey)
  • monks will now drop gold when caught in a rope trap - this matches the original (Jeffrey)
  • fixed a bug involving pick-axe rubble sitting on top of a ladder freezing players (Jeffrey)
  • fixed bug that prevented an explosion from detonating bombs on the other side of a blastable block (Jeffrey)
  • fixed bug that allowed big/boss bombs to ignite small bombs (Jeffrey)
  • set rope trapes/snares are now destroyed by a big/boss bomb - this matches the original (Jeffrey)

Jeffrey pointed out to me that this rewrite didn't follow all the big/boss bomb rules of the original. If you look at
Jason Summer's Lode Runner Archive, and the section on big bombs and rope traps;

Large bombs destroy objects within 2 tiles of them, except for set snares, which they destroy within 3 tiles

I'm not quite sure why Presage would have put this into the game. It is quite odd when you think about it. Nonetheless, I've added it to the game.

Also, thanks to Jeffrey for testing some puzzles made with Jim Winkler's Lode Runner Hacker's Editor to see if they work. The good news is, most things will work such as gold on entries/exits, exits on start positions.

In-Game Menu finally added!

As you can see in the image above, I've finally got the old OS file strip replaced. I know it's been on the cards for quite a few months but I kept putting it off thinking it would take too long. As with most things, it took only an hour or so as all of the code for the actions was already in and working.

Old File Strip Menu

By now, the keen observer would have observed the plethora of options the old menu had that my new one doesn't.
All of these options are still available by clicking on the new cheating hotspots (lives, scores, and puzzle number), the options dialog (which was only accessible in the original via the main menu) or by using the keyboard shortcuts.


  • moved all new resources for this rewrite into the appropriate original data files
  • removed the AVI cut-scenes data files from the project

Bugs being worked on

  • monk entry doors are not random enough

What I'll probably do next week

  • update OS X and Linux builds
  • add support to change the music track in the editor