The Legend of Mad Monks' Revenge Returns

Welcome to my Lode Runner Online: Mad Monks Rewrite development blog! You can all about why I'm doing this on the project about page.

I'm actually well into development - I did mean to start this blog earlier but I've been enjoying getting stuck into programming.
Here's a bunch of screenshots that showcase the current state of the game.


Game with partial movement and item interaction implemented

Look at me! I can fall over 10 metres without getting hurt


The fully functioning editor

Box Paint tool with themed mouse cursor

Puzzle Viewer dialog. Added scroll wheel support comes in handy with large puzzle sets!

I've choosen to replace the OS specific dialogs to create a consistent look throughout the game. I've never really understood why the original game shipped with certian dialogs themed (puzzle viewer) and others not (open + save). I assume it came down to a deadline and not having to re-invent the wheel was the quickest option.

I've hacked together existing dialogs to create replacements that I'm quite happy with. I think they fit the game well and could easily fool new players (or forgetful fans) into thinking they were there the whole time.
Tooltips have yet to be added. I'm not sure the original bubble tooltips fit either the original game or mine.

The options button appears when you select a puzzle and has copy + paste & delete operations.
I'm most likely going to add a rename too.