MMR update #41 and #42

So, what have I been up to on Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge in the last fortnight? Not much. I've been hard at work on online gaming (for MMR, not playing games online!) and helping out with Lode Runner 2.

A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder of the bug/quirk. Thanks to all, I really do appreciate your time and support. Cheers!


  • object links (teleports, doors, monks) no longer draw when mouse is outside puzzle bounds (Tim)
  • paint helpers and object links no longer show when another dialog is open (Tim)


  • fixed bug that did not accurately track which puzzles were played (primarily used by the scoreboard) (Tim)


Here are some screenshots of the new network gaming. Progress is going quite well. The plan is to swap out Lidgren with the new lockstep approach and test before adding the new lobby.

Join a random game or host your own game

Changing your server region


  • changed dropdown control event firing
  • slight performance boost when changing pixel shader parameters
  • fixed bug that displayed the default file extensions (.PZL or .SVG) when saving a puzzle or game
  • invalid display resolutions in config file are now correctly fixed on start-up
  • fixed the game crashing when using NVIDIA drivers on Linux (Sam)

The list of available display sizes has been trimmed down. Originally, this list was populated by the displays supported by your monitor but it turns out that the official NVIDIA drivers on Linux are not very good and you'll only get your native monitor size. After going through the code, I realized that since the game doesn't actually toggle resolutions (only scales to fit) then this list is not complete - what we need is a list of any 4:3 resolutions within your monitor size.

On my HP Z1 workstation, there is 31 sizes available. Far too many and not necessary. This list is trimmed down to just four;

  • 640x480 - default game size and will be the same on all machines
  • medium - this will vary according to your display resolution
  • large - this will vary according to your display resolution
  • jumbo - this will vary according to your display resolution and is what full-screen is basically

At the moment, the resolutions are displayed but I'm thinking of changing them to a name (small, medium, large, jumbo). Remember, this toggle is only for changing the size of the game when playing in a window. It has zero bearing on full-screen.

Special thanks to Sam for helping sort out this issue.

Trimmed down available displays

Bugs being worked on

  • monks merging when crossing on/off ladders
  • switching to windowed mode hides the Dock (Sierra)
  • regen bomb timing does not accurately match the Original

What I'll probably do next

  • continue working on LAN
  • ability to 'pause' the game when testing and return after minor edits