This is what I'm currently working on. A lot of work not on the list has already been done but I will update it every week or so with past completed tasks. There will only be milestones listed to stop this list getting bogged down.
Text in green highlight are tasks that are complete with final testing underway, yellow is on the go, red is a bug that is being looked into, blue is a feature I am thinking about adding and this is work that has been completed.
- Runners/monks falling and;
landing on blockslanding in liquid and drowninggrabbing onto monkey barsrunners collecting gold and bombs (runners only)getting crushed in phase blocks- getting crushed in healing blastable blocks
dropping/collecting tools while falling- monks landing on other monks heads and waiting for them to continue
- falling monks taking turns waiting for ones coming out an entry door
- Player respawn on death;
runners re-enter the puzzle when killed (puzzle does not restart for single player - makes testing easier)monks re-enter using their assigned entry door- monks without entry doors spawn at random (not at all random it turns out)
- Players moving up and down ladders and jumping off them
- Jake and Wes running and hitting objects
- Jake and Wes running and falling off blocks
- Blasting;
blasting eating away the blastable blockblock healing over- Tool interaction;
use teleportsteleport transmit animation glitch to be fixedset up snare trapsuse small bombs- regen bombs coming back after collection: timing issue
big bombs will destroy items in areaplayer death from bomb blast- Environment
liquid animating to match originalgold twinkling/tools jiggling at randomphase blocks- original game music added
General stuff
OS specific open/close dialogs removed and replaced with similiar theme onescopy/paste and delete puzzle support from dialog- Rename file support
- tooltips
OS specific message boxes replaced with similar theme ones- drawing the buttons pressed longer when using keyboard shortcuts increases load times by about 50% - I cannot see why this should be happening...
- speed up puzzle repairing - currently takes ~500ms for 150 puzzles
- better sounds effect instancing
- boss key - Wiki
full functionality of the originalsupport for shuffling the order of puzzles via the puzzle viewermake the world dialog not a modal window and show the theme behind- method to restore the puzzle to last save (file menu no longer present)
- improve my current move operation