Mad Monks' Revenge: Release 20.9

Release notes for build 20.9. This build contains new features, a number of bug fixes and general improvements.

Want to chat about this project? Find friends to play online with? Report a bug? Join us on Discord!

A name in parentheses and in bold is the finder of the bug/quirk. Thanks to all, we appreciate your time and support.

Game replays

Game replays were introduced in the patch for the 20.7 build (via Discord). The aim is to allow players to record puzzles so they can share solutions and to help with debugging. Currently, game replays can only be recorded via the Editor (press F12 to test the puzzle + record). When you've finished, a replay will be added to your Lode Runner Online/CONTENT/REPLAYS directory.
Like networking, recorded games will only playback on the same build they were created on (IE; a game recorded with 20.9 won't play on 20.7 or 20.10).

Special thanks to Cyantusk for helping to work out the kinks.


  • Photon updated to
  • Spacebar or B pauses playback of replays
  • left/right arrows held down will now rapidly move the cursor inside textbox controls (RingCaat)
  • you can now scroll text inside a textbox while highlighting (RingCaat)


  • fixed Walk on Air quirk getting applied when Quirks Mode was disabled (pteraptera)
  • textbox content scrolls correctly when removing selected text (cut or delete)
  • textbox text is now cached for a performance boost
  • fixed monks becoming stuck in the wrong brick when climbing ladders into holes (Cyantusk)
  • fixed players falling or running into blasted bricks and not getting crushed under specific conditions  (How, Cyantusk, HannibalAnthrope, Teddy)
  • you can no longer change game options (Quirks, Classic, etc) when loading a replay
  • HUD/menus disabled for game replays
  • fixed game replays not playing if runners ran out of lives (Cyantusk)
  • fixed players teleporting outside game bounds if a Big Bomb destroys the teleport while in transit (Midnight MazeMaster)
  • fixed incorrect tooltips in choose game dialog
  • fixed bug that allowed incorrect game saves to be loaded
  • fixed bug that inserted multiple copies of a puzzle set when combining in the Editor (Midnight MazeMaster)
  • fixed darkness spotlight not drawing if a player was on tile 5,2 (Midnight MazeMaster)

Known issues

  • renaming a puzzle in the Editor can jam the dialog (Linux) (Cyantusk)
  • under specific scenarios, monks can merge together (How, Discord)
  • Linux users cannot play online games (vectornaut, Layla) - the current workaround is to set EnableSSL to false in your config file
  • monks jitter when no runner is available to chase (hiding, unreachable, etc) (Jim, How)
  • runners don't move correctly when standing on a monk (Jim, How)