Week #42 update

Here is what we've been working on this past week. Not a great deal due to an unplanned trip to Newcastle to visit my brother. We did get a lot of MMR gaming in so that was nice. A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder…

Week #41 update

Sometime in the past month I appear to have re-introduced monks merging together on ladders. Longtime blog readers will remember how many times I've claimed to have fixed this only to download a new build and get the same issue. The monk hump 'n bump code has…

Week #40 update

Most of my time this week on Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge was spent playing LAN games with my brother. We found quite a few bugs which was nice. I'll be working on making quite a few significant changes to the save game format. I&…

Week #39 update

The main focus of all work done on Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge Rewrite was on completing tasks from my TODO list - most of these involved fixing little inconsistencies in gameplay behaviour VS the Original game. Want the latest copy? Head over to the downloads page…

Weeks #37 & #38 update

Welcome to the update for weeks 37 and 38! I wasn't feeling very well at all last weekend and earlier this week so missed the usual weekly update. Thanks to those who emailed and asked if everything was okay. While testing I've noticed a few more…

Week #36 update

This week I've been trying outs something new: updating the builds after major bug fixes are included. I wont be keeping this up as quite a few little bugs sneak through. This the this main reason why builds are monthly. What I might do is stick to monthly…

Week #35 update

If someone asked me what I thought the trickiest part of this Lode Runner Online: The Mad Monks' Revenge remake has been, I'd say figuring out the Presage resources, followed by collision detection. After that, I'd say it was the monks. The main part that…

Week #34 update

Good news! All of the monk AI bugs from last week have now been fixed. The remainder of my time was spent making little improvements here and there and slowly checking some of the outstanding items from my TODO list. I was in an odd situation with the project this…