Weeks #13 & 14 update

Welcome to a very uneventful two weeks on the project! I've had some time off from the game and have been working on a new site for the project. The goal is to migrate MMR specific stuff to this site and leave the main site as a general…

Week #12 update

Since the 1st of March, I've only had four days without rain. My internet connection is 4G on a hill 3km behind my house powered by a solar panel. No sun for such a long time meant no power which meant me walking on foot 1km and using…

Week #11 update

Special thanks to Trevor and Greyfax for helping me to work out regenerating bomb values. They still don't quite match the Original and I'm at a loss as to why. Since (as far as I know) all puzzle sets made in the Original that use these…

Week #10 update

We're switching to weekly builds! You'll now be able to have the latest each week. Please keep in mind the weekly updates are compiled from the same code we're working on, so you can expect some odd behaviour and bugs. Weekly builds should give…

Week #9 update

All platform downloads (Windows, Linux and macOS) have been updated. There were two reasons for this; an issue with scoreboards that caused the game to crash and a couple of minor bugs that made some puzzles unsolvable. A name in parenthesis and in bold is the finder of the bug/…

Week #8 update

Most of my spare time out of work was spent clearing away all the burnt lantana and privet after the bushfire two weeks ago. Apart from the damage to my the mature trees in my yard, the fire has saved me many months of manual labour. You've got…

Week #6 and #7 update

When a weekly update is skipped, it is usually because not much work was done or something has prevented me from posting. It was a bit of both this update. It was 42 degrees in my office last weekend so any work on Lode Runner was ruled out and this…

Week #5 update

I'm pleased to report that only a few bugs were found in the first C# build! Most of them were down to insufficient testing on my part. I've uploaded the downloads again so if you downloaded the February build before today, it is well worth getting…